Pineland Baptist Church aims to be a church who is:

  • Praising, each one under One (Colossians 1:18; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Corinthians 10:31). Our thinking changes from “Good enough” to “Who is this for?”
  • Building, each one helping one (Ephesians 4:11 – 16; Colossians 2:6-8). Our thinking changes from “is this what I (we) want?” to “Whom does this help?”
  • Calling, each one reaching one (2 Corinthians 5:20; Matthew 28: 18-20). Our thinking changes from “Are they coming?” to “Are we going?”


Pineland is a Baptist church. Baptist is a term referring to churches and denominations within Protestant Christianity that emphasize a believer’s baptism by full immersion which is performed after a profession of faith in Christ as Lord and Saviour. A congregational governance system gives autonomy to individual local Baptist churches. Groups of Baptist churches are sometimes associated in organizations for purposes of missions and other common goals while retaining their local autonomy. For more information about Baptists and their origins, visit

North American Baptist Conference

Pineland belongs to a body of churches called the North American Baptist Conference (NAB). Head office is in California, and we consist of Baptist churches throughout the United States and Canada from east to west. If you would like more information about the North American Baptist conference, please visit

Eastern Association of the NAB

Pineland is part of the Eastern Association Churches which consists of churches within the NAB in the geographical location of eastern Canada and north east United States. The Eastern Association is made up of a regional director with an executive team that is voted on at our yearly meeting by churches that are members of the Eastern Association of the NAB. For more information, please visit